Sunday, April 20, 2008

Oneida County Auxiliary Meeting

Barb Atkyns, Kathy Pare' and Becky Maggio attended
the County meeting at Leon Roberts Post 161 in
Holland Patent on Saturday.

Becky along with Virginia Graveline and Bobbie Owen

judge Poppy Posters. Our unit had no submission this year.

Something to plan on doing next year.

Becky models a winning Poppy hat made by one

of the senior members. The winners will be sent to

department for judging on that level.

Also headed to Department is our Unit #92

Public Relations book that was put together

by Becky Maggio. She did a fantastic job on it.

Last year her book went all the way

to the National level.

It was also noted at the meeting that some

members have been receiving phone calls

soliciting monetary donations for the

American Legion. If you receive such a call,

hang up!! The American Legion does not use

phone solicitation as a means to raise money.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Elections were held at the Auxiliary meeting on April 9.
Officers for 2008 are:
President Rebecca Maggio
!st Vice Barbara Atkyns
2nd Vice Kathleen Pare'
Secretary Tina Ondrako
Treasurer Wendy Gagliardo
Chaplain Frances Mayne
Historian Irene Lew
Sgt. at Arms Ruth Ann Morton
Installation by Oneida County officers will be on May 14 at 7 PM.
We will have a covered dish dinner following installation.
All members are invited to attend.


The community was out in force to support Jessica.

Jaclyn Slocum coordinated the event with many ofJessica's friends.

Our local merchants, companies, fire department and many individuals

contributed to the Chinese Auction. The surrounding communities

also were well represented.

Jessica made the rounds at the event.
Many thanks to all the volunteers who made this possible.